Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia D’Souza have collaborated on a film named ‘Ved’. The two are now Bollywood’s successful couple going to make a return on the silver screen just after a long time. This is a new thriller film with the directorial debut with Deshmukh who has become a producer. The actor also worked on several Bollywood films in the comedy category.
After getting the success of ‘Mauli’, everyone was waiting eagerly for Bollywood actor Riteish Deshmukh’s Marathi film. After that, it came to light that Ritesh will meet the audience with the film ‘Wade’. A few days ago, the poster of this film was released. Now the amazing trailer of this movie has been released and is in discussion on social media.
Genelia’s performance in this 2 minutes and 10 seconds trailer of the movie Wade has grabbed everyone’s attention. Riteish Deshmukh is in love with a girl. But the girl leaves him. Later, Genelia, who studies with him in school, marries him. Meanwhile, Genelia’s dialogue ‘You will not know the pain of loving someone who doesn’t love you’ has caught everyone’s attention.
Ashok Saraf is seen playing Riteish Deshmukh’s father in the movie Wade. Ashok Saraf has grabbed everyone’s attention with just a few dialogues in the trailer. Overall, the acting of Riteish Deshmukh, Genelia D’Souza, and Ashok Saraf is worth watching while watching the trailer. Everyone is eagerly waiting for this movie.
After an acting career of 20 years, actor Ritesh Deshmukh will come to the audience in a different role through the Marathi film ‘Vade’. Interestingly, this film is directed by Ritesh Deshmukh himself. Ajay-Atul composed the music for this film.
Ved: Release Date
The new thriller film will release on 30th December 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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