If you love to play Valorant then get ready to get some access to the new Agent to come as a hunter who will arrive with some deadly-looking shadows. The name of the new Agent is Fade, and it seems like her powers let her expose the locations of her enemies.
She had been revealed during the finale of Valorant’s masters Reykjavik tournament on Sunday. Fade is going to going to set as a part of Episode 4 Act 3 that also should be dropped in the coming week.
The abilities of Fade focus on finding the enemy players and also about either blending them or keeping them in the place once she does. There are one of her skills utilized as a ball of shadows that is near –sight enemy players and there are other creations about a small circle onto the ground that also will engage players to be tethered to it if they become very close.
She possesses an ability of racon that will identify the players and draw such lines at the location, while her extreme does more similar along the large part of the map.
Here is the list of abilities of the Fade Agent:
As a nightmarish entity and fire throw the orb along which will plummet to the ground after a set amount of time. Hitting the ground of the orb will turn it into a nightmarish parameter that will reveal the location of enemies and also can destroy the entity. On reusing the ability to drop the projectile early into the flight.
As a equip on an orb nightmare ink. The Fire that throws the Orb which will set to plummet to the ground after a set of time. On hitting the ground, the ink will blast and create a zone in which all the enemies who are caught in it are unable to escape from the zone in a normal way You can re-use the ability to drop the projectile early in the flight.
The hunter is equipped as a Prowler. Fire will be sent out by the Prowler, causing it to travel in a straight line. Now the Prowler becomes locked onto the enemies or trails into their frontal vision cone and chases them, able to sight them nearly if it is able to reach them. You have to hold the fire button in the direction to steer the Prowler in such the direction of your crosshair.
This hunter possesses a weapon of fear. Fire again sends out a wave of nightmare energy that can be able to traverse through the walls. The power can create a trail for the opponent like deafens and also as the decays to them.
Here’s quick gameplay with the new Fade Agent:
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