Last month, Bloomberg and Jack Gurman said that Apple is apparently working on next generation Apple silicon chip based Mac-Pro. The model currently is under the works and will have 40 processor cores along with 128 graphic cores which will ensure that the next generation Apple Mac Pro performs better than the previously Apple M1 chip embedded laptops by Apple.
However to the contrary Xcode 13 is reportedly suggesting that Apple are using Intel Ice Lake processors instead of their own built processor. Xcode 13 backed the claim with some substantial evidence.
According to Brendon Shanks Apple has added the line ‘#define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_ICELAKE_SP’ to their module in Xcode 13 beta 1. Where ‘SP’ means Scalable Processors in the mentioned context.
In this scenario Ice Lake Scalable Processors could be an another name for Intel’s 3rd Generation Xeon Scalable Processors.
Intel-based 3rd Generation Xeon Scalable Processors are based on Ice Lake Architecture.
However, the 3rd Generation Xeon SP brand also includes the Cooper Lake processors although the users can see all the 36 Ice Lake variants on Intel’s Ark database.
From the data gathered from Intel’s Ark database, it can be predicted that Apple will be offering up to 40 cores of 3rd Generation Xeon Scalable Processor for its upcoming product.
Although, no information has came to light regarding the product’s release and addin on to that nor it is known whether the above mentioned product will be sold similar to Apple’s previous laptops.