Realme has launched few TWS earbuds last year among which the Realme Buds Neo was one of the best. The Realme Buds Q was also widely sold all-over India after its launch. But the company has not introduced any Bluetooth speakers till now. A recent report from @stufflisting reveals that the company has plans to launch a bunch of TWS earphones and Bluetooth speakers in the recent future.
Here is the list of TWS earphones:
- Realme Buds Q2
- Realme Buds Air 2
- Realme Buds Qs
- Realme Buds Q Neo
- Realme Buds Wireless 2 Neo
From the above source code, shared by @stufflistings, we can see all the names of the TWS earbuds and the Buds Q series is getting many more versions this year. As per the tipster, only the names of the TWS have surfaced yet, and no specifications have been revealed till now.
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Now let’s have a look at the list of Bluetooth Speakers:
- Realme Cobble Bluetooth Speaker
- Realme Pocket Bluetooth Speaker
- Realme Bluetooth Speaker B20
These are the three new Bluetooth speakers from Realme. Similar to the upcoming TWS list, another source code reveals only the names of Bluetooth speakers. No information about these speakers has surfaced yet. We will keep you informed about these products.
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