Despite the heavy rain, the MotoGP™ Bharat team was excited to invite the Honorable Union Minister for Youth Affairs & Sports, Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, to be the Guest of Honor for India’s most awaited MotoGP™ race. The race will be held at the Buddh International Circuit on September 22-24, 2023.
Union Sports Minister Shri Anurag Singh Thakur revs up the historic MotoGP™ Bharat preparations
The Minister was enthusiastic about the event and said that it was a great opportunity to promote racing in India. He also expressed his hope that the race would inspire young people to pursue careers in racing.
After the meeting, the Minister joined the MotoGP™ Bharat team for a ride on their bikes. He showed his daredevil spirit by braving the rain and taking the lead in the group.
The Minister’s participation in the ride was a testament to his passion for racing and his support for the sport in India. It also showed how gripping MotoGP™ fever is in India and how it has the potential to become a major sporting event in the country.
The Minister thanked the team for the invitation and for the adventurous ride. He also signed a helmet as a memento of the event.