At last the trailer of Sanjana Sanghi featuring the short film, ‘Uljhe Hue’ has been released. After conquering the hearts with just her stint in Dil Bechara, the actress enhance the expectation from the audience. Now the actress is coming on headline for her latest short film Uljhe Hue with Abhay Verma. This film basically reveals such modern-day love and romance. This new short film just captures the romantic glimpses of the two youngsters into the riveting tale.
Uljhe Hue: Plot
It seems that one minute trailer gives a glimpse of the two different individuals Rasika and Varun who have been crossed their path at the most unexpected time and also has been finished up by clicking a bit more than the usual strangers.
This movie is featuring such new talent as Abhay Verma. It is a love story that is based on Rasika who is an introverted visual artist bumping into Varun who is a lawyer and after just being stood up on a date. They just start to chit-chat and the bond about more than the strangers is mainly do. What will happen after that? Will they get that courage to reach out for love it will they be too shy and hide their feelings?
The director Satish Raj Kasireddi feels said, “Uljhe Hue is a love story that audiences will be able to relate to and cherish. The short film has been created by highly credible artists and captures the pulse of modern-day romance. Amazon mini TVs wide presence will certainly take our work of passion fat and side this Valentine’s Day,” This film will represent niece way about the journey of navigating herself and also about her choice in love. It would be a sweet film that makes for a pleasant watch in this season of love.
Uljhe Hue: Cast
This short film is featuring Sanjana Sanghi as Rasika and Abhay Varma as Varun, This film is directed by Satish Raj Kasireddi. It is produced by Ahab Jafri and the story written by Ida Ali.
Uljhe Hue: Release Date
This short film has set to come on Amazon miniTV on 11th February 2022.
Here is the trailer
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