Amazon Prime Video has dropped the trailer of the Tamil film. In this trailer, we will see the beloved couple Suriya and Jyotika also have been sold the rights to such a much-awaited film that has been produced. It is reported that from September to December all the OTT platforms will be streaming Suriya’s Jai Bhim Jyotika’s Udanpirappe Raam Aandalum Raavane Andalum and Oh My Dog.
There are also such must be watched for every category that the lover has ranging from that family drama to solve the murder mystery. These films also have set to trend since that day they had been declared with such fans very eagerly and waiting to release. It is reported that Suriya has been tweeted all of the announcements.
The trailer of the film starts with a strange event in any of the family that is based on the reunion of the relatives. It is a story of a village where many women from the entire village have been gathered and asked a question about the scare of their husband. It mainly revolves around the problem of caste and politics.
In this Jyotika will play the lead role she has the brother who can fight against all the criminals to punish in the town. In this Sasikumar will play an important role to fight against all the criminals. In this, he will battle also against all the cast discrimination and if anyone does it then just he will tick them away. The father will feel proud that they are the hero for their sons. The man always wants to earn a good name for all the time. The woman is very proud of her brother as he believes in truth.
This film is featuring Jyotika and Sasikumar in the main role. In this, it has been touted such family entertainer and has been rooted strongly with the love and the affection that they also have been shared.
This film has been directed by Era Sarayanan with RR Velraj revealing ball his talent for cinematography. The music album of this movie has been contained with such heartwarming tracking have D. Imman.
Here is the trailer:
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