Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mission of making India Aatmanirbhar Bharat has played a significant role for multiple domestic sector industries amid the COVID-19 situation. Many homegrown brands expanded their portfolio with new products and showed the power of Made-In-India label to the World. Fueling the mission of Atmanirbhar Bharat India’s leading consumer electronics and gadgets accessory brand UBON amps up its wireless portfolio with all new SP-43 Light Up Wireless Speaker. Powered by a 1200mAh rechargeable Li-ion battery the newly launched speaker offers massive hours of continuous playtime. Supports TF-card, FM & USB port function the speaker amplifies sound throughout the room, making a rich music listening experience. This new speaker comes with the latest Wireless Version Support v5.0 and can be paired via Bluetooth to the soundtrack up to 10 m range. This set includes the portable speaker and a power cord.
Backed by massive 10 hours battery backup and double LED RGB lights and Belt SP-43 Wireless speaker has strong built, stylish design: featured with an innovative design of multi-colour LED lighting, control single colour or multi-colour lights while the speaker is on. This speaker is a perfect combination of modern design and hi-tech quality. This newly launched speaker offers you non-stop music experience that makes it perfect for every occasion.
SP-43 Light Up Wireless Speaker offers premium HD sound on the power output of 5W’s which makes it a must-have gadget for audiophiles who love catching every snare and snap with that deep booming bass that allows for a memorable listening experience. In an era of music, it comes to you with powerful Bluetooth. With extremely easy push buttons, play, pause or repeat it ensure utmost convenience and keep your rhythm going.
Commenting on the new launch, Mr. Lalit Arora, Co-Founder, UBON said, “Being a leading player in the consumer electronics industry, we, at UBON, always strive to provide innovative products to our customers in the best possible prices. This newly launched product assures the best-in-class music experience to our customer and has the power to become the life of every party. He further added that “This speaker is proudly Made-In-India and supports the mission of Atmanirbhar Bharat”.
The company offers 3 months warranty against manufacturing defects + 3 months extended warranty. The SP-43 Light Up Wireless Speaker is available on all leading e-commerce portals across the country at a price of INR 1,999/-.
Source – Ubon Press Release
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