Twitter‘s premium membership program, Twitter Blue, has been made available to users in India. The desired blue tick next to users’ profile names, which is nothing more than a verified status for social media users, is added by a premium subscription, which also gives users early access to innovations the platform delivers. The verified status is jeopardized by a paid subscription, and it might not have the same standing as before.
Prior to the company launching its Twitter Blue Service, the “Blue Tick” was used to identify legitimate accounts of well-known celebrities, politicians, public personalities, and reporters. Anyone can now purchase the checkmark by paying the subscription fee. The subscription of Twitter Blue in India is now supported by iOS and Android mobile devices as well as Twitter’s website.
Twitter Blue is now in India!
In India, users of Android and iOS have to pay a monthly subscription charge of INR 900, while users of the web must pay INR 650. Additionally, Indian consumers can sign up for the premium service for an additional annual fee of ₹6800. This, however, is only accessible to web users.
The subscription costs are comparable to those in the US. In addition to the Blue Tick, Twitter Blue Members have early access to features including bookmark folders, edit tweets, unique app icons, and NFT profile photos. These users will also get the opportunity to prioritize tweet replies, pick from a variety of color schemes for their application, and remove a tweet before it can be seen by other users.
A higher character count of 4,000 as opposed to the 280-character limit for ordinary users is one of the other benefits. In addition, larger movies up to 60 minutes or 2 GB in size are allowed for Twitter Blue subscribers to submit.
In addition to the UK, Canada, the US, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan the Blue subscription is accessible in a number of other nations as well. Twitter, however, stated that brand-new sign-ups will not be able to join for 90 days, with an extra waiting period likely to occur without any prior notice.