Today marked the launch of the final episode of TVF’s Aspirant web series that focuses on the story of UPSC aspirants based out of Old Rajender Nagar at Delhi.
It portrays how thousands of people have arrived every year with a dream and a burning desire to become an IAS officer. TVF has already given some great stories and Aspirants comes with a story of three friends reunited to reveal to us about UPSC Pre…Mains…Aur Life.
The final episode gives an idea of the fates of Abhilash, SK, and Guri, the three close friends, and also the love life triangle associated with Abhilash, Dhairiya and Guri.
Fans have loved the final episode, and here are some of the best reactions on Twitter:
Read: Top 5 web series like TVF Aspirants to binge-watch
Haven’t watched it yet? The episode has already grossed 6.5M in just 11 hours of the premiere, Go see it now from here: