Trinity Gaming India has successfully launched a virtual gaming project named Gamerz Night Live, which has already captivated around 10 million viewers. This initiative, in partnership with Lenovo, Intel, and YouTube, is geared towards nurturing the creator community in India. It has offered a platform for over 100 creators nationwide to display their skills.
Trinity Gaming India along with Lenovo, Intel and YouTube, takes first steps to reshape the Indian creator economy
The primary goal of this campaign is to support emerging creators by promoting their content, enhancing their profiles, and allowing them to share the limelight with top-tier creators. Renowned content creators and influencers such as Mortal, Scout, Regaltos, and others from every corner of the country have featured in the event.
Spanning over 11 weeks, the campaign has successfully broadcasted more than 14 episodes so far, supplemented by a regular stream of shorts, community posts, and 15 episodes on YouTube that have collectively garnered over 6 million views. The Gamerz Night Live account is the hub for all future episode announcements, highlight reels from past episodes, engaging stories, and collaborative posts, accumulating over 10 million views to date.
As a premier platform for global gaming creators, gaming events, and exclusive YouTube moments, YouTube Gaming brings together the gaming community.
Abhishek Aggarwal, Co-founder & CEO, of Trinity Gaming India, shared his thoughts on the success of the project, stating, “Our main aim at Trinity Gaming India has always been to provide creators with an environment that fosters growth and the establishment of a career in gaming. With Gamerz Night Live, we are offering unparalleled opportunities for creators across the country, regardless of their current size and follower base. The overwhelming success and positive feedback we’ve received this year bear witness to the promising future, ensuring an even stronger presence in the gaming landscape for the year ahead.”
Games featured in the event include crowd favourites like Battleground Mobile India (BGMI), Valorant, CS Source 2, Fall Guys, Among Us, Prop Hunt, and GTA V. The partnered creators not only create entertaining content but also compete as part of a team in games like BGMI, Valorant, and CSGO.
With such popular games and creators, Gamerz Night Live seeks to reach audiences nationwide, making it a diverse and inclusive gaming celebration. The event is set to conclude by December 2023.
Anita Kotwani, CEO Media, South Asia, Dentsu and Dentsu Gaming Lead, spoke about the project, saying, “Gamerz Night Live is the first recreational gaming project where gaming content creators of various sizes gather to enjoy gaming as a comprehensive form of entertainment.
Brands like Lenovo & Intel have made their mark in the gaming industry by launching gaming-focused brands like Legion, Loq, Gaming IdeaPad, Intel Arc, 13th gen processors, which are beneficial for consumers to create, record, and consume content. Through Gamerz Night Live, Intel & Lenovo get the opportunity to present themselves to the relevant audience, targeting demographics suitable for brands like Lenovo & Intel.”