For the first time, Toyota India is going to launch its flex-fuel car set to launch on this Wednesday. The announcement has been done by Union Minister Nitin Gadkari. There are more than 20 million flex-fuel vehicles operating in the US. The most interesting fact is there is a giant Toyota set to launch India’s first flex-fuel cat.
The specialty of the flex fuel car is that it can use ethanol as the flex fuel, and also the other fuels containing petrol. This thing is going to be one of the best environmentally friendly vehicles in this era. In India, Ethanol is just sold at Rs. 55 per liter.
Toyota: Flex-Fuel Technology
As the name has suggested, the ‘Flex-Fuel Technology’ car also works on fuels with up to 83% ethanol with a blend of petrol. Nowadays those cars are currently just running in the US, Brazil, and Canada.
The new report confirms that there were more than 21 million cars in the US according to 2018. The US Department of Energy has reported about the performance of the car developed while a high ethanol blend had been added into the furl.
Toyota: Global Producer
The Society of Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) told that India has set to aim to become the top global producer among all the segments of the vehicle. Along with the flex-cat initiative, India will get this target in the next 25 years.
Toyota: Difference between Petrol and Ethanol car
In this car, the maximum parts are quite similar to the petrol car. These have an internal combustion engine, that will also work on petrol that’s up to 83% ethanol mixed furl. There are some components very compatible with ethanol.
Toyota: Warnings
There are some modifications have made to the fuel pump and fuel injection system. For use, the high oxygen content of ethanol as an engine control module had been installed in it. We will see that the module will monitor and control the furl mixer that had been installed, Ignition timing, and emission system.
Toyota: Advantages
The flex-fuel owners were able to switch their cars for ethanol whenever they visit. They also have more options than petrol vehicles and they become able to select cheaper furl. When petrol becomes more expensive than Rs 100 liter in India, ethanol is available at Rs. 55 per liter. This type of car also can reduce petrol dependencies.
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