WhatsApp brings its new Privacy Policy, where it says that the service is now onwards will share the user data with different Facebook companies. In 2014, during the acquisition of WhatsApp by Facebook, WhatsApp assured that the company’s goal is to know “as little as possible.”
Accepting the policy, you’ll be sharing your IP address, location data, OS, battery level, phone model, signal strength, ISP, time zone, mobile network, browser, IMEI, and language. Also, your profile photo, status, last time you were online, messages, calls, group activity, etc., all will be included as the information you are sharing. From February 8, users will have only one option if they don’t want to share their data with the parent company, then simply uninstall the app.
For many many people who don’t want to share their personal data, it’s the best time for a switch. There are many options available on the internet. So, we bring for you, the top 10 WhatsApp alternatives.
10. Kik
Kik is a product of Kik Interactive, a Canadian company. This app is available for both iOS and Android for free. Here you can add people by username, no phone numbers are required. You can share images, videos, stickers, and GIFs and also can join groups.
9. Tango
This is messenger app is available for cross-platform, which means you can use it on your PC also along with mobile. It is available any many languages including Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Vietnamese, and Hindi.
8. Hangouts
This messaging app is from Google and it’s also a cross-platform app. You know when any product is from Google, it’s fully trustable. The UI is very simple and easy to use. Hangouts are very good for instant messaging.
7. Signal Private Messenger
This messenger features end-to-end encryption. You can do an HD video call or audio call with the privacy-preserving feature, which is always enabled. The service is totally free and highly secured.
6. Line
You can use this messenger on your tablet, smartphone, and as well as PC. You can exchange texts, images, audios, and videos in the app. This app doesn’t need any sim card, it works by finding nearby people.
5. IMO
IMO contains hundreds of free stickers, very fast video and photo sharing, and many more features. The files are stored on the Cloud, so more free space available on your device. IMO supports group video call with up to 20 members.
4. Telegram
Telegram is able to provide between two users, end-to-end encrypted calls and also encrypted chats. The attraction of Telegram is, you can share an unlimited number of images and documents up to 2GB per file. The company is now gaining 400 million monthly active users.
3. HikeLand
You can invite your friends to play games or you can hang out on a voice call. Keep your private chats hidden from others. Fingerprint and face unlock for chats are available. The Hike is popular for its huge sticker collection.
2. Skype
This application is already famous for its HD video calls. You can add a maximum of 24 peoples to your video conference. Also, chat and voice call options are available. You can share photos and videos with your family and friends.
You have to do international calls frequently? Then Viber is here for you. You’ll just need a Wi-Fi connection or data plan. It features free audio and video calls with good quality. It has reached the user count of about one billion in the world.