Following his much-anticipated film Vettaiyan, director TJ Gnanavel is set to take the helm of Junglee Pictures’ upcoming project, Dosa King. This film, co-written by Gnanavel and Kannada filmmaker Hemanth M Rao, draws inspiration from the real-life legal saga of Jeevajothi Santhakumar and P. Rajagopal. Dosa King will portray the dramatic rise and fall of the globally renowned restaurant chain, Saravana Bhavan.
New Project for TJ Gnanavel
After the release of Vettaiyan, which stars Rajinikanth, Amitabh Bachchan, and Fahadh Faasil, TJ Gnanavel will transition to a new and compelling project. Dosa King is poised to be a significant work in his career, drawing from real events and presenting them with cinematic flair.
The film, produced by Junglee Pictures, is based on the life of P. Rajagopal, the owner of Saravana Bhavan, and the intense legal battle that ensued involving Jeevajothi Santhakumar. The legal case, P. Rajagopal v. State of Tamil Nadu, became notable for its dramatic twists and the 18-year-long legal struggle that ended in a landmark conviction.
The Story Behind ‘Dosa King’
Dosa King will fictionalize the events surrounding the rise and fall of Saravana Bhavan, focusing on the powerful tycoon P. Rajagopal and the courageous Jeevajothi Santhakumar. The film aims to delve into the complexities of the case, highlighting the conflict between the ambitious restaurant mogul and the determined woman who challenged him.
Junglee Pictures, a studio recognized for films like Badhaai Do and Raazi, has secured the exclusive life rights of Jeevajothi Santhakumar. This acquisition allows the filmmakers to bring an authentic and gripping portrayal of the story to the screen.
Filmmakers’ Vision
Hemanth M Rao, known for his work on films such as Godhi Banna Sadharana Mykattu and Kavaludaari, along with his co-writing credits on the critically acclaimed Andhadhun, brings a wealth of experience to Dosa King. His collaboration with TJ Gnanavel promises a script filled with dramatic tension and detailed character development.
TJ Gnanavel, who gained acclaim for his hard-hitting Tamil film Jai Bhim in 2021, is excited about this new venture. He shared, “I’ve been following Jeevajothi’s story since my days as a journalist. While the press sensationalized many details, much of the story remains untold. Dosa King is a hard-hitting story that exposes how the system functions, with a focus on the crime and thriller aspects of the narrative.”
Gnanavel expressed his enthusiasm for exploring the extreme situations of life and offering a deeper perspective on the case. “This film is my chance to share a story I witnessed first hand 20 years ago, and I’m thrilled to partner with Junglee Pictures, a studio known for backing important stories that need to be told.”
Junglee Pictures’ Commitment
Amrita Pandey, CEO of Junglee Pictures, spoke about the project with great excitement. “Dosa King is a thrilling narrative that demands a masterful blend of scale, drama, and entertainment. We’re beyond excited to team up with the meticulous Gnanavel to bring this monumental film to life. Hemanth and Gnanavel, through extensive research, have crafted a script with such powerful twists, turns, and nuances of each character, making it a high-octane commercial and cinematic experience.”
Pandey also mentioned that the studio is eager to collaborate with top-tier talent for the project and is looking forward to starting production soon. The anticipation surrounding Dosa King reflects the high expectations for this film, which aims to combine engaging storytelling with an exploration of real-life events.
What is Dosa King about?
Dosa King is a film inspired by the real-life legal clash between Jeevajothi Santhakumar and restaurant mogul P. Rajagopal. It chronicles the rise and fall of the Saravana Bhavan restaurant chain and the intense 18-year legal battle that followed.
When will Dosa King start filming?
Filming for Dosa King is expected to start soon, with production details to be announced.