In 2017, while SVF or Shree Venkatesh Films was set to hit in West Bengal film and TV production company and entered into the OTT, they desired to begin small and launch the five original shows along the categories under the brand titled hoichoi that’s really very exciting.
The days were those early days got those vernacular series until then Indian Original shows along such languages premiered on YouTube and had made several short-form of contents. All the things are just before launching Netflix’s Sacred Games and Amazon Prime’s Inside edge.
The chief operating officer of hoichoi Soumya Mukherjee said, “We saw an initial uptick for our originals. Four out of the given shows we launched created a lot of buzzes,” The OTT platform is known as one of the kinds with over 100 originals in a single language with more than 2k hours of content along the web series.
The streaming services claim that this is direct subscriptions with shows, movies, and a huge number of in-house productions of original films and shows.
Now, the OTT player claims that directed the subscriptions have drowned 50%, with a 20% month on a month will enhance the watch time, in the post-lockdown period. The company said, “Along with this, hoichoi continues to have one of the biggest refresh rates in India for a single language, with close in India for a single language, with close to 5-7 titles that contain original shows, world premiere films and Hindi-dubbed originals releasing every month,”
Premium Only
Mukherjee says, “From the start, we positioned ourselves as a premium product with around Rs. 1000 per annum. From the first day, we have known that content had to be protected and had never looked to diversify.
In the US, the thing has charged across $10 per month on par along with what OTT giant Netflix has been powered in the market. The reason is the love for content in the mother tongue, Bengali with the second most-spoken Indian language, as per Mukherjee.
There are almost 40% of Hoichoi’s assets come from international subscriptions containing the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Middle East, and Bangladesh. The OTT has claimed that the customer’s stickiness is on the high and almost 70-75% of their subscribers are set to renew subscriptions.
Recently, HoiChoi has claimed to move the extra mile along with user experience. Mukherjee said, “To help some of our elderly subscribers, we send our people to visit personally and demonstrate as and when needed.”
Mukherjee also tells Hoichoi’s success for Bengal’s wide talent pool of writers, producers, actors, technicians, and directors. He explains, “we imbibed the discipline of TV and the quality of movies into the OTT venture,”
The presence of the television has provided them to maintain their timelines and stick to budgets. Over the years, hoichoi has launched a lot of new faces along with also now focusing on bringing bigger actors into the fold. He says, “naturally production costs will increase but in terms of revenue growth we are doing ok,”
Distribution Strategy
There are multiple OTTs can be subscribed to. When it is watching traction for its Hindi-dubbed library on Prime Channels as well as on MX Player, that desires to remain rooted in Bengali. Its best-performing show on both these platforms was Charitraheen. The platform also collaborated with Jio, Airtel XStream, Tata Play, and Dish TV and looking for deep integration just outside of India.
The player is not very worried about the password on sharing which that’s the blight of the business. Mukherjee says, “We do not have too many cases of password sharing. We only offer two simultaneous streaming across five gadgets,”
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