It may be late but there is a huge going on in Samsung’s camp. The company has stepped forward the displays on the budget devices to 90Hz, the company has tried to launch more 5G phones in 2021. This new smartphone is holding an incredible Unpacked Galaxy event on 17th March where it has said to reveal the Galaxy A52 and A72 smartphone model. Recently, the prices of these mobiles have leaked.
One thing that you need to clear that Samsung is just like to unveil only the 4G versions of Galaxy A52 and the Galaxy A72 in entire India. It is expected that the Galaxy A52 5G might be launched in the future under the M=series but now we have to focus on what is coming in the next week.
The Samsung Galaxy A52 has two models one is which has 6GB + 128GB memory with the model number of SM-A525FG, the price of this set is 26,499 and another mode has 8GB + 128Gb memory with the model number of SM-A525FH, the price of this set is 27,999. Now come to the Samsung Galaxy A72, it also has two models one has 8 GB + 128 GB memory which is the cost of rupees 34,999 and another has 8GB + 256GB memory which is cost 37,999.
The price of the Samsung Galaxy A52 is a little less than the expected pricing of Europe, but the fact is very disappointing that Samsung is skipping the storage variant of 256GB. The point is also marked that Galaxy A72 is starting about 5000 the predecessor’s launching price.
The differences between the Galaxy A52 4G and 5G models are, they will differ in the display, chipset but have a lot of similarities. It is expected that Galaxy A52 4G has the feature of a 6.52-inch Super AMOLED Full HD + display with 2400 x 1080 pixels of screen resolution. It is expected that the company wants to bring the Galaxy A52 to these countries like the A5x iteration but having 4G support.
The 4G variant probably will get a 90Hz refreshing rate and 5G will get a 120Hz screen. It also has informed that the Galaxy A52 4G will be featured with Snapdragon 750G chipset and also has a 4500mAh battery with 25W charging facilities. Skipping of the 5G on the Galaxy A72, Samsung will likely launch with the exact same 4G device in various markets.
Firmware has started the development of Samsung Galaxy M62 5G which is the Indian variant, the model number is SM-M6262B, it is expected that this is going to launch soon in Q2 2021.