The government said on Friday that it recognises the importance of semiconductor design and has budgeted Rs 100 crore for chip design-related programmes in the current fiscal year. In a written reply to Rajya Sabha, Electronics and IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw stated that semiconductor design is a highly knowledge-intensive field that requires exceptionally skilled manpower and tools.
He stated that India has a large talent pool for semiconductor design and that design engineers produce a large number of design patents and intellectual property rights (IPR) in the country. He stated that the government is working to widen and deepen the Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) industry, with semiconductor design being one of the primary areas of concentration.
Semiconductor Laboratory (SCL), Mohali; Gallium Arsenide Enabling Technology Centre (GAETEC), Hyderabad; and Society for Integrated Circuit Technology and Applied Research (SITAR), Bengaluru, currently have semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities for strategic requirements, according to the minister.
The government has approved the ‘Establishment of Gallium Nitride (GaN) Ecosystem Enabling Centre and Incubator for High Power and High-Frequency Electronics’ to promote semiconductor development.
The project is being carried out by Society for Innovation and Development (SID) at the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE), Bengaluru, under the aegis of the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) at a total cost of Rs 298.66 crore.
“An application for setting up of Assembly, Testing, Marking and Packaging (ATMP) of NAND Flash memory has been approved under the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for large scale electronics manufacturing,” Vaishnav said.
According to him, the PLI Scheme for large-scale electronics manufacturing has authorised an application for discrete semiconductor devices such as transistors, diodes, thyristors, and System in Package (SIP).
He stated that the PLI Scheme for large scale electronics manufacturing has authorised an application for discrete semiconductor devices such as transistors, diodes, thyristors, and so on, as well as System in Package (SIP).
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