Manga, a term denoting a diverse range of Japanese comic books or graphic novels, encompasses various genres such as action, adventure, business, comedy, detective, historical, drama, horror, and more. Similar to its animated counterpart, Anime, Manga has garnered significant global popularity in recent years, captivating audiences worldwide. The following is a curated selection of the best manga readers that are free.
Best Manga Readers Online
First on the list of best manga readers is Comixology, a dedicated comic and manga app boasting a user-friendly interface, offering a substantial collection of manga alongside regular comics. It caters to a wide audience and is accessible on multiple platforms, including the web, iPhone, Android, and Kindle Fire.
Next up is Crunchyroll, primarily known as an anime streaming site but also hosting a separate section for manga. With its streamlined and fast user interface, Crunchyroll enhances the overall viewing and reading experience. It provides the latest updates on shows, news, and more, supporting web, Android, and iOS platforms.
Manga Plus
Manga Plus takes the third spot on the list of best manga readers, offering online access to the latest weekly Shonen Jump manga for free, translated into English and Spanish. This platform provides updates on popular ongoing series and completed classics like Naruto and Dragon Ball, with features allowing both horizontal and vertical reading. It is compatible with iOS and Android devices.
Viz, another notable online manga platform, occupies the fourth position. Boasting a diverse selection of must-read manga across various genres, Viz offers thousands of manga volumes for fans. With regular updates and news on manga comics, Viz is accessible on the web, Android, and iOS.
Finally, secures the fifth spot among the best manga readers, complemented by manga groups and forums. Noteworthy features include a special new release section, advanced filters for search optimization, and customizable themes. Bato.TO supports web, Android, and iOS platforms and stands out for its robust chat support and community engagement.