Yesterday, AMD launched or said made their flagship Radeon RX 6900 XT available in the market at a hefty $999 in the US or ₹79,900 in India exclusive of GST but is way cheaper than the NVIDIA flagship RTX 3090. Getting hands-on with these new GPUs is pretty tough, but if you get one, you should keep a check on the thermals as well.
As per the latest testings done by Igor’s lab, it seems the flagship RX 6900 XT draws somewhat similar power to that of the RX 6800 XT. This is mostly because there’s no huge difference between the GPUs as the AMD flagship somewhere around 10-15% performance improvement for $350 extra, kept to fill in the gap between RTX 3090 and RTX 3080.
It draws 303 Watts of power while 4K gaming and is just shy of RX 6800 XT’s 298 Watts power draw, although the high-end GPU has been rated to be used with 850W+ PSU whereas the RX 6800 XT rated to be used with 750W+ PSU.
As we see in the power draw graph of Linus Tech Tip’s video, we see the RX 6900 XT drawing sudden power spikes over 400W in benchmarks and this can actually damage a 750W power supply. So, if you do want an RX 6900 XT, first get a minimum 850W+ PSU, or to be safe get a 1000W gold rated PSU.
However, in games, the Radeon RX 6900 XT seems a good boy and a brother of the RX 6800 XT but a costlier one too as well.