Lyca Productions on Wednesday broadcast the shooting of the new film starring Rajinikanth, cautiously titled Thalaivar 170. The film features other big names apart from the Tamil superstar. Directed by TJ Gnanavel of Jai Bhim fame, it symbolizes the big reunion of Rajinikanth and Amitabh Bachchan after 32 years. In the print released online on September 4, Rajinikanth looked stylish in an all-black avatar. He is seen shaking a black blazer and a matching shirt with his hair all done and those shades adding extra swag to his overall look.
Rajinikanth and Bachchan are linked by the likes of Fahadh Faasil, Manju Warrier, Tushara Vijayan, Rana Daggubati, and Ritika Singh. The film is expected to be about a fake happenstance in which Rajinikanth plays the role of a retired cop. This will also mark yet another meeting of Rajinikanth with his nephew Anirudh Ravichander, who will be curating the music for the film. He has composed music for his Petta, Darbar, and Jailer, most recently for Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan.
Rajinikanth assured his fans that Thalaivar 170 would be a ‘huge entertainer’ as he spoke to the media at the airstrip. The actor said this film is not just going to entertain fans but likewise going to leave them with a strong social message.”
Meanwhile, Rajinikanth is currently riding high on the success of Jailer, which crossed a staggering Rs 600 crore internationally with around Rs 410 crore from India alone. The film is now accessible to watch online on Amazon Prime Video. Apart from Thalaivar 170, the superstar has likewise got two more biggies lined up – an untitled project with Lokesh Kanagaraj and ‘Lal Salaam’ through daughter Aishwarya Rajinikanth. Watch this space for all the modern updates on Thalaivar 170!
More about Hum
Hum was a 1991 action flick helmed by Mukul Anand. The film featured Amitabh Bachchan, Rajinikanth, and Govinda in the lead roles, with Kimi Katkar, Deepa Sahi, Shilpa Shirodkar, Anupam Kher, Kader Khan, Danny Denzongpa, and more coming into court in prominent roles. Kader Khan also wrote the dialogues for the film. The harmony for the film was composed by the famous duo Laxmikant-Pyarelal, known for pictures like Mr. India, Saudagar, Ram Lakhan, and more.
About Thalaivar 170
Thalaivar 170 marks the first collaboration between Rajinikanth and Jai Bhim director TJ Gnanavel. The film features a collective cast, including Fahadh Faasil, Rana Daggubati, Manju Warrier, Dushara Vijayan, Ritika Singh, Thalaivar, and Big B. It is speculated that the Darbar actor will be seen portraying the role of a police officer in the film, although there has been no official confirmation. The film is produced by Lyca Productions, and Anirudh Ravichander collects the music for the film.
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