As per the sources, the Telegram Premium, a monthly membership service that allows paying users access to unique features, has been launched by the messaging software Telegram. The monthly subscription plan is $4.99 or Rs 389. The option to upload 4GB files versus the 2GB limit for free users is one of the advantages emphasized by the team in the blog post.
Telegram and Premium User
Premium subscribers have access to the fastest download speeds. Paid customers additionally have double use constraints, such as the ability to follow and join up to 1000 channels, establish up to 20 chat folders with 200 chats each, support the fourth account, and save up to 10 fixed or more than 10 Account owners lists.
Users will be able to create longer profiles and support links with subscriptions. Advanced users can customize media subtitles with additional characters and store up to 400 favorite GIFs. They can also have up to 20 public links on their account.
Advanced customers can acquire entire transcriptions of voice communications using voice-to-text, and they can also score the transcriptions to improve them. According to the message, paid users to get access to various special stickers, additional moods, and emoji effects that are not available to free users.
About the Other Features
The suite also includes unique reactions, improved chat management, and the ability to alter the default chat folder. Paid users can have animated profile videos that play for everyone in the app, including chats and chat lists.
In the chat list, chat title, and members list, paid users will see a distinctive premium emblem next to their name. Premium app icons are also available, and Telegram users can pick between three to display on their home screen. There are no advertisements for premium subscribers.
When the subscription will be offered to Indian consumers and how much it will cost are unknown. As per the sources, a screenshot of a Windows 11 user was published claiming to have Telegram Premium access a few days ago.
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