Tecno Spark 6 Air is launched in India and is an Amazon exclusive and is priced at Rs.7,999. The phone will go on its first sale from 6th August which is on Amazon Prime Day. The phone packs in some of the most interesting features and is also priced bare minimum. The phone has only one storage variant and is only available in black and blue colours.
Specification of Tecno Spark 6 Air
Tecno Spark 6 Air features a massive 7-inch HD+ (720×1,640 pixels) Dot-Notch display with 90.6% screen-to-body ratio. The phone has a triple camera setup at back that includes a 13MP primary sensor with an f/1.8 lens, an IR sensor, and a 2MP depth sensor. The 8MP selfie camera with an f/2.0 lens is housed in the drop notch along with dual front flash.
The phone runs on HIOS 6.2 based on Android 10 (Go Edition) and comes with quad-core MediaTek Helio A22 SoC coupled with 2GB of RAM and 32GB internal storage. The storage can be expanded by micro-SD card up to 1TB. The phone is powered by a 6,000mAh battery but there is no mention of fast charging.
Buy from here: https://amzn.to/2P5RTC6