TCL, the well-known electronics brand is all set to launch its new smart Android TV in the Indian market. TCL S6505, the new television range from the brand is teased on the Amazon Indian platform. It’s an Amazon Special product, so, the S6505 will be available via the same e-commerce platform alongside the TCL official website.
There is hardly a detail available regarding the pricing and launch date. However, a ver features are mentioned on the listing page. Still, information such as screen sizes is yet to come out.
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TCL S6505 Features
TCL has given the S6505 television a stylish and modern look as usual. There are minimal bezels, a stylish stand for holding, and a variety of useful ports. The S6505 smart tv has a USB 2.0 port, LAN port, two HDMI ports, headphone jack, and so on.
Coming to the software part, this TV runs on Android TV 11 where TCL Channel 3.0 is there on top. It supports Google Assistant too and using multiple Andoird applications is also possible. The Micro Dimming feature adjusts the brightness and darkness automatically for a better viewing experience. The Dolby Audio Support ensures the same level of audio experience with all contents.
The smart remote coming with the TCL S6505 has the Google Assistant key, along with the OTT hotkeys like Netflix and Prime Video.
TCL Store: