Tata Motors on Tuesday launched the Tata Tigor EV at a starting price of 11.99 lakh INR for the base model, going up all the way to 12.14 lakh INR. While the Tigor EV has been around for a while and has primarily been used by fleet operators, the updated Tigor EV 2021 aims at personal buyers looking to purchase an affordable battery-powered passenger car with a fair range at a good price point.
The Tata Tigor EV is now also the first EV to be tested by Global NCAP and has a four-star safety rating. The Tigor EV is offered in three trims and comes in two color options, Bookings for the Tigor EV had been opened earlier this month for 21,000 INR.
Shailesh Chandra, President, Passenger Vehicle Business Unit, Tata Motors made the following statement, “We are ecstatic to launch the Tigor EV today, powered by the capable Ziptron Technology, the Tigor EV is a perfect option for all aspiring sedan buyers who are looking to own a vehicle that is technologically advanced, comfortable and high on safety standards, while also being an environmental-friendly commute.”
Tata Tigor EV Range:
The Tata Tigor EV’s main highlight is its range with Tata motors claiming that the vehicle is capable of running 306KM (ARAI certified and under standard conditions) before needing to be charged.
The carmaker also states that the EV can be charged using a fast charger, the battery can be powered to 80% in an hour but it will take around 8 hours if using a home socket.
Tata Tigor has an IP67 rated 26kWh lithium-ion battery pack combined with an electric motor. The electric powertrain generates 73.75hp of power and 170 Nm of torque.
There is also an 8 year and 160,000KM battery and motor warranty for the EV owners. The EV comes with Ziptron technology that enhances the performance capability of the vehicle. The new Tigor EV can accelerate to 0-60KMph in 5.7 seconds. It also has two modes, a Drive mode, and a Sports mode.
The 2021 Tigor EV has received a four-star safety rating in Global NCAP crash tests, it also gets dual airbags, ABS with EBD, Corner Stability Control, Hill Ascent Control, Hill Descent Control, amongst other safety-related highlights.
The new Tigor EV gets a freshly designed face with projector headlights, the front grille and bumper design have been tweaked while the alloy wheels come with blue accents to underline the zero-emission character of the EV.
Tata Tigor EV Cabin overview:
A seven-inch screen dominates the cabin of the Tigor EV while there are around 30 connected car features on offer, for premium audio, there is a Harman System while there are blue accents on the dash and on the seats for an aesthetically pleasing look.
At its price point, the Tigor EV does not really have any direct rivals and may well have to compete against its sibling, the Nexon EV.
Although positioned below the Nexon EV, the Tigor EV could be well-suited to someone looking for a battery-powered option in a sedan form factor.
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