India’s largest automaker Tata Motors has set a new milestone in India for the rapidly growing pickup segment with the launch of the new Yodha 2.0, Intra V20 bi-fuel, and Intra V50. The car has rugged and tough pickups that are set to come with the bold new design and provides the highest load-carrying capacity, the car holds the largest deck length, and longest range and is set to be equipped with many modern features that are very important got a safe and more comfortable drive.
The newly designed and engineered to cater to the wide variety of urban and rural applications, the latest Yodha 2.0, Intra V20 bi-fuel, and Intra V50 of those fast-growing agriculture, poultry, and dairy sectors like the expanding delivery requirements of FMCG, e-commerce and the logistics sectors. Tata Motors has commemorated the launch of India’s best pickups by delivering 750 of them to customers in the country. The executive director Mr. Girish Wagh said, ” Our small commercial vehicles are renowned for providing livelihoods to millions of customers and enabling their success. As their ambition for business growth and a better life turns bolder, they will discover an ideal match in our new range of pickups as these have been specially co-developed to address their evolving aspirations.
Every aspect of these pickups has been meticulously engineered to efficiently service a wide variety of uses across urban, semi-urban, and rural areas. They come with a bold new design and offer the highest payload capacity to carry heavier cargo; the largest deck length to carry voluminous loads; the highest power-to-weight ratio, the longest range to traverse maximum distance; and modern safety and comfort features for stress-free driving. With all-terrain access to reach the remotest locations and the backing of India’s largest dealer and service network, the holistic value proposition offered by our comprehensive range of pickups is unbeatable. The introduction of these new-age pickups reiterates our commitment to always empower and equip the customers with best-in-class vehicles to deliver more progress and success. ”
The latest Yodha 2.0 provides such highest 2000kh rated payload capacity along with best-in-class off-road capability. The car has been charged by a 2.2L diesel engine with 250Nm torque, the great ability of 30%, and updated rugged looks with a metallic bumper and fender. Tata’s new car brings some updated design with rugged looks.
The Yodha is now available in 1200, 1500, and 1700kg payload options belonging to 4×4 and 4×2 configurations, and is also available for the single cab options empowering the customers.
Tata Intra V50
Tata Intra V50 holds the highest rated payload of 1500kg. The car has been charged by a 5L diesel engine with 220Nm torque, and the longest loaf body 2960mm. The car has a new paradigm in the segment with the high payload capacity, cabin comfort, longest load deck, and high ground clearance got worried free all terrain operations in urban, and semi-urban zones.
Tata Intra V20 bi-fuel
The car has been charged by a 1.2L bi-fuel engine with 106Nm torque, the highest payload for bi-fuel CV is 1000kg, and the maximum range this 700km. The car has both CNG and Petrol facilities along with a payload of 1000kg, which has combined the robustness of the proven Intra V20 capabilities with the lower operational cost of CNG to deliver more value.
Additionally, Tata always priories customer’s demand, and try to add valuable services for the customers that are going under Sampoorna Seva 2.0 program that contains:
Tata Zippy
This is a repaid time assurance program with problem resolution within 48 hours.
Tata Alert
This is a roadside assistance program with the assured problem within 24 hrs. for vehicles under warranty.
Tata Guru
There is a 50k+ trained technicians to give roadside and workshop assistance for the repairing and workshop assistance and services along the country.
Tata Bandhu
Tata’s unique application beings with the stakeholders that contain mechanics, drivers, and fleet owners on a single platform for the easy connection with Tata Gurus while required.
There is a 360-degree national multimedia marketing campaign already launched to collaborate with audiences through an emotive storyline. The car really golds such amazing pickups with engineering prowess, service ecosystem, and ease of access that Tata Motors is able to attract customers.
Here is the trailer:
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