Celebrating the Triumph of Esports in India: A Look Back at...
In a remarkable collaboration between NODWIN Gaming, a world-renowned gaming and esports media company, and Riot Games, a leading video game publisher, India witnessed...
NODWIN Gaming announces major partnerships for Valorant Challengers South Asia Split...
NODWIN Gaming, a leading gaming and esports company, has formed partnerships with Omen by HP, Hyundai, Philips, and Loco for Split 2 of Valorant...
Revenant Esports Strengthens VALORANT Team with New Coach
Revenant Esports has strengthened its VALORANT team with the addition of Chris "Pro" Martir as head coach. Pro is a veteran of the Filipino...
Valorant Battlepass Episode 6 Act 3: Is it worth buying?
Along with Episode 6 Act 3 comes a new Valorant Battle Pass, which includes both premium and free content that you can earn. The...
Upcoming Valorant Bundle and Every good thing which it will bring
The most recent Valorant Bundle appears to be an homage to the 90s Retro gaming scene. There are numerous guns, buddies, sprays, and other...
VALORANT: Black Market Bundle makes the game gets CS: GO skins
A sizable update to VALORANT called 6.07 is on the way, and it's going to include a brand-new VALORANT bundle that introduces skins we're...