Super Follows finally launches on Twitter for the creators in the...
Twitter is one of the most famous social media platforms of this world and this year the platform is increasingly releasing new features and...
Top 10 most followed Premier League footballers on Twitter and Instagram...
The Premier League has officially begun, and it’s set to be a big one, with the return of fans. Nowhere is that more apparent...
India tells Infosys CEO to explain new tax portal riddled with...
India's finance ministry has summoned the CEO of Infosys Ltd, Asia's second-largest software service provider to explain why glitches in the nation's new electronic...
The Story of the game Battlefield 2042 will be explained in...
The story of the game Battlefield 2042 will be explained in a short film. The name of the film is Exodus. This short film...
343 warns about spoilers which are in the Halo Infinite Tech...
Joseph Staten the creative head of Halo Infinite went to social media platforms for warning players or people that the technical test of the...
Twitter is testing its new timeline layout feature for stretched photo...
Twitter has been testing many of its features this year and it seems that the social media platform is riding on the way of...