The Lion King Mufasa Movie: A Magical Prequel with Shah Rukh...
"Mufasa: The Lion King", the much-anticipated prequel to Disney’s iconic The Lion King, is a cinematic masterpiece that combines stunning visuals, a heartfelt story,...
Fauji 2 Trailer Released on SRK’s Birthday, Promises a Bold New...
To mark Shah Rukh Khan's birthday, the makers of Fauji 2 dropped an exciting new trailer and the cast looks larger than life to...
Top 5 Box Office Records SRK’s New Movie, Pathaan, Has Broken
The Top 5 box office records SRK's new movie Pathaan has broken have been mentioned in detail in this article. Pathaan: SRK's new movie...
Dunki Release Date: SRK’s First Song ‘Lutt Putt Gaya’ is now...
Dunki Release Date
In 2023, Shah Rukh Khan has given several fantastic films along with his two big performances on the big screen with Pathaan and Jawan. We...
Shah Rukh Khan’s Midnight Appearance on Birthday Night Makes Dance Crazy!!
Shah Rukh Khan
Today, Shah Rukh Khan celeÂbrates his 58th birthday and tops off a fantastic year. The dual triumphs of Jawan and Pathaan addeÂd...
Will Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan come together for War...
War 2: It is a known detail that Aditya Chopra is building a Spy Universe on the lines of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where...