Shochiku opens Last Film Show with a bang in Cinemas across...
Shochiku opens the Last Film Show with a bang in Cinemas across Japan. It kicks starts the theatrical release of Pan Nalin’s LAST FILM SHOW (Chhello...
Sony is reportedly planning to build a new Smartphone Sensor factory...
The Nikkan Kogyo daily reported on Friday that Sony Group Corp is exploring an expenditure of approximately 800 billion yen ($5.83 billion) to develop...
RRR has become the highest-grossing movie in Japan
RRR has become the highest-grossing movie in Japan. SS Rajamouli's movie has gained another coup that is the movie has conquered the hearts of...
Croatia 1-1 (3-1 pens) Japan: Livakovic heroics earn quarter final spot
Croatia are through to the quarter finals of the 2022 World Cup after beating Japan on penalties in their Round of 16 clash. The...
FIFA release video evidence to prove that Japan’s 2nd goal against...
Japan were placed in Group E alongside Germany, Spain and Costa Rica. Very few people would have thought that Japan can progress to the...
Japan slay giants en route to 2022 World Cup Round of...
Japan have won their World Cup group, which consisted of Spain, Germany and Costa Rica - to make it through to the knockout stages.