Here’s the latest info on Fornite’s Season 8: Cube
Epic Games Fortnite is one of the best battle royale games out there and the games Season 8 is finally here, following the stunning...
Fortnite Season 7 brings Bad Boys’ Mike Lowrey to the roaster...
The latest update for Epic Game’s greatest creation Fortnite is here. The game is currently in its Season 7 and its festive season. The...
Google considered buying Epic Games during Fortnite App Clash
The Epic Games V Apple Lawsuit continues to rage on and revealing major gaming secrets of the industry. However, this is not the only...
Fortnite Season 7 is Here with New Weapons, Battle Pass, New...
Finally, Fortnite Season 7 has arrived and again it brings few changes. You’ll notice that the previous Primal theme has been entirely changed, and...
Spotify CLO Horacio Gutierrez thinks Apple is a Monopolist and Bully
Horacio Gutierrez, the Chief Legal Officer of Spotify, recently testified in front of the US Congress, stating that Apple is a “ruthless bully.” In an...
Apple’s Tim Cook Pressed Hard By Judge in Epic Antitrust Fight,...
Apple Inc.’s chances of winning the Epic Games Inc. antitrust fight appeared less certain on Friday after the U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers...