This Saturday becomes crazy with Bhuvan Bam, the actor has created a new record with his new series ‘Taaza Khabar’. Disney + Hotstar has confirmed that the show is streaming on the OTT platform. Now, it becomes a part of Disney+ day celebrations, as the streamer shares the updates on Instagram. This Saturday going to be very special with Bhuvan Bam’s new show that is really worth a watch.
The trailer starts with Bhuvan who is telling, “A man’s luck is made of three things- a home, a house, and a woman but my lick had something completely different for me.”
For the first project, the YouTuber is very excited, the showrunner Hansal Mehta said that the association with the streamer was special and that he marked his son Jai Mehta’s directorial debut. The OTT debut of Bhuvan Bam revolves around that Mumbai-based sanitation worker. The story follows a class-based sanitation worker. The show unveils such class-based poverty and the human who has desired a lead for a better life. Aar Ya Paar has revealed the struggle of the tribal man against the modern world and also the corrupted politics that trying to take everything from them.
In a statement, the filmmaker said, “This association with Disney + Hotstar is a special one for two reasons: One, it is directed by my son Jai. Two, Disney+ Hotstar as a platform is known to bring to life some amazing and outgo-the-box yales.”
Recently, Buvan Bam shares an Instagram post that read: “Make it a Binge-watch Saturday with
#RaazaKhabar & this fabulous cast!”
Taaza Khabar: Cast
The show features Aditya Rawal, Sumeet Vyas, Patralekha, Ashish Vidyarthi, and Shilpa Shukla. Sidharth Sengupta said, “Unique stories are finding their way to viewers, and I am excited for my first association with Disney+ Hotstar to bring to the forefront a distinct tale of Aar ya Paar.”
He also added, “It takes me back to the familiar waters of the episodic format of narrating a story, which I enjoy the most. The fact that this series walks a fine line between action and drama makes it a captivating watch”
While talking about the show, Bhuvan said, “I mark a new milestone in my career with Disney +Hotstar with a story that is packed with action, emotion, and the comedy of life. My character, Vasya’s story, beings out the ironies of society in such a manner that makes you wonder about the paths of magic in a manner that makes you wonder about the ways magic and miracles happen. Also, this new avatar is completely different from all of the roles I have taken up.”
Here is the trailer:
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