SuperGaming, India’s leading game developer, has released Battle Stars, the country’s first hero shooter, now available on the App Store and Google Play. Battle Stars features 14 unique heroes at launch, intuitive controls, and a striking, colorful art style, and is a 4v4 shooter game.
SuperGaming Releases New Shooter Battle Stars With India’s Leading Gaming YouTuber Techno Gamerz as Playable Hero
Techno Gamerz, India’s top gaming YouTuber, has collaborated with SuperGaming to develop his playable hero and accompanying Techno Quest, as well as to provide valuable feedback for shaping the gameplay.
Battle Stars is the first content creator-driven game from an Indian studio and marks SuperGaming’s player-first perspective, involving the wider community and creators at a foundational level to make better games. The game also includes playable heroes based on Mumbai culture and landmarks, such as Patil, a policeman who lives to protect good and destroy evil.
The game can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play, and players who top the leaderboard will have the opportunity to meet Techno Gamerz in person and play the game with him and the SuperGaming team.
You can download the game via:
● App Store:
● Google Play: