Sony has officially set the date for the Xperia Special Event 2024, where it is expected to launch its latest smartphones on May 17 in Tokyo. The poster the company shared does not explicitly state the exact phone to appear, but the tech community has been circulating the rumor that one of the released prototypes may be the Sony Xperia 1 VI. The address of the event’s location is Terada Warehouse B&C HALL 2-1-3 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, and the time is JST: 7:00 PM, IST: 3:30 PM, EST: 6:00 AM, CST: 5:00 AM, and CET: 12:00 PM.
More About the Sony Xperia Special Event
A source reveals that the Xperia 1 VI will come with a high-quality 2K 2K 19.5:9 display and other design transformations. This alteration is expected to result in a device that is shorter and wider compared to its predecessor, as evidenced by leaked renders. While the details about the design are still uncertain, leakers mentioned the rear camera setup consisting of three vertically placed lenses in the middle of the upper half.
The device’s innards have also been spilled, with one of those “ones” predicting the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip under the hood. This powerful chipset is usually mounted in high-end flagships, and as it can be understood, the Sony Xperia 1 VI would be no exception. The aforesaid leaker also predicted the appearance of 3 48-megapixel f/1.2 modules on the rear to emphasize the focus on the high quality and multifunctionality of the imaging. The same source stated that AI would be noticeably involved as well, which is logical — it is actively spread in modern flagship mobile products.
Exciting times await enthusiasts as Sony’s next smartphone generation is anticipated. The Sony Xperia 1 VI is expected to be a flagship that merges advanced technology with Sony’s time-tested commitment to quality. The device’s reported technical specifications as well as prospective advancements across the display, performance, and camera-o-phone sectors are all intended to result in an immersive and cutting-edge user experience. As Sony’s revelation unfolds, the business is once more in the spotlight, prepared to present its contribution to the existence of fresh glory on the mobile phone landscape.