Sony India has launched the LinkBuds Open (WF-L910), adding to its range of earphones promising comfort and enhanced connectivity with an open-ear design. The new model of wireless headphones will offer balanced sound quality and 22 hours of battery life with fast charging time. The LinkBuds Open is available for ₹19,990 and you can buy it on October 24th in India through Amazon, Flipkart as well Sony Centers authorized dealers and leading electronics stores.
The All New Sony LinkBuds Open (WF-L910)
The idea is that you would be able to hear the sound of your surroundings while listening to music with them on. Each earphone consists of a ring-type slave unit located just off the auditory channel.
Also, a stabilizer fin gives you extra security to keep it in your ear while using. In terms of comfort, Sony might be onto something though as the company claims that all materials used in both endurance and ear stabilizers are soft which should make them comfortable enough to wear. The charging case weighs 30.6 grams, while the new earbuds are slightly heavier at 5.1 grams each.
Audio-wise, the LinkBuds Open has an 11mm driver and it has a closely-packed integrated V2 processor (which includes Sony’s own chip) which improves sound quality with its Digital Sound Enhancement Engine (DSEE). The earbuds even come with Adaptive Volume Control, which changes the volume according to location noise for good hearing in every environment. On the calling front, Sony touts “advanced audio processing” for clear and no-bother discussion as well.
Furthermore, the LinkBuds Open comes equipped with smart features such as Multipoint Connection for simultaneous connections to multiple devices, Auto Switch between different Sony audio products, and Auto Play functionality. Users can also customize their audio experience using the Sound Connect app, allowing adjustments to settings like the equalizer and DSEE features to suit personal preferences.
What is the battery life of the Sony LinkBuds Open?
The Sony LinkBuds Open offers up to 22 hours of battery life with fast charging capabilities.
Where can I purchase the Sony LinkBuds Open?
The LinkBuds Open is available for ₹19,990 through platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Sony Centers, and authorized dealers across India.