With the sixth season of Battle Pass, Apex Legends gets another Legend called Rampart. She is of Indian origin and her full name is Ramya Parekh, an expert weapon modder with a special custom-made turret named “Sheila”. In the game, she uses Sheila as her “ultimate” and this turret is difficult to destroy.
Whenever Rampart deploys Sheila in the game, then any of her teammates can use this turret. But unlike other legends, she is the only one who can handle and control Sheila most optimally. This fact was recently discovered by a Redditor named u/AmazingCanisLupis. He shared a gameplay video of Apex Legends showcasing the comparison between the reloading animations of Rampart handling “Sheila” and other legend handling the same gun.
The above video will clearly show you the difference between the other legends and the Rampart using the same turret. Unlike other legends, Rampart takes less time to reload the turret just by pressing a few buttons on the screen to pull a lever which brings out the magazine of the gun.
I’m a sucker for 3D animation, so I decided to take a closer look at Rampart’s turret animation. from r/apexlegends
Next, she pulls out the used mag rapidly and attaches another magazine and then again presses a few buttons which load the magazine in the gun and pulls down the lever. Other legends have to do the same function manually so, they take much more time than Rampart doing so. Hence, it proved that she can use her built Shelia flawlessly than other legends.
Rampart has become one of the OP(overpowering) legend of the Apex Legends. She has become favorites of many players in quite a short time and is getting more preference than other legends.
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