Snapdragon X Plus from Qualcomm is a subtle rebrand of Snapdragon X Elite to undermine more moderate notebooks with even more exciting motions that could be taking place. Recently, a leak that erupted Geekbench 6’s light on the latest Snap core details was a 10-core CPU Cluster, just a few less than the elite’s equivalent.
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The leaked Geekbench 6 scores were posted on X by @faridofanani96 and showed ML results that are as inconsistent as ever. Nonetheless, most sites suggest that for both, the chipset should be running on a ‘Balanced’ power strategy and surely will contain a 10-core CPU cluster. Of this, six cores are optimized for performance and four are presumably tailored for power efficiency. Meanwhile, the Snapdragon X Elite features a 12-core cluster, with a focus on eight performance-boosting cores.
Surprisingly, both Snapdragon X Plus iterations, despite sharing identical or nearly identical specifications, scored 1,903 and 2,410. Though the count of RAM is the same, an earlier rumor did introduce the implication of two versions of the Snapdragon X Plus. Despite the use of a 10-core CPU cluster, multi-threaded performance is slightly worse than the Snapdragon X Elite, which is likely, given that there were only two fewer cores.
However, the differences between the two might go beyond the CPU configuration. For example, on-device AI capabilities, occupancy of an integrated 5G modem, and other ancillary changes might contribute to performance differences between the two. The official introduction of both Snapdragon X Plus and Snapdragon X Elite is expected by Qualcomm on April 24th.
To summarize, Snapdragon X Plus primarily targets the opportunity to provide approximately a similar level of performance as the X Elite through more efficient consumption. Additionally, the X Plus category will be popular among users who need a powerful chipset but do not want to overpay for extra opportunities from the number Echelon.
Despite some differences in the number of cores, Qualcomm has a well-established tradition of innovation and technical capabilities. Therefore, the upcoming announcement of the new product begins to generate interest in what exactly the official promises will materialize.