Qualcomm Snapdragon X series comes in two main variants – the standard X Plus and the top-end model, which is dubbed as Qualcomm Snapdragon Elite. The X Plus family includes a 10-core Oryon CPU, while the X Elite is meant for more niche use cases that might need even higher core count configurations of up to 12 cores. IFA Berlin is set to take place soon, so it shouldn’t surprise that popular tipster Evan Blass hints at an 8-core version of the X Plus chip for upcoming laptops. The new SKU is a cut-down variant of the base X Plus and will be priced at around $800 in CoPilot+ laptops with an 8-core Oryon CPU.
Leaks About the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Plus
The new Snapdragon X Plus chip will be based around 8-core Single Thread Processors (STP) with a single-thread boost clock speed of 3.4GHz and a multi-threaded boost of  3.2GHz, from what we know so far in previous reports. On top of the lower core count and reduced clock speeds, this variant will also utilize a weaker Adreno GPU rated at 1.7 TFLOPS compared to the full X Plus version’s 3.8 TFLOPS performance rating. The chip will also be joined by LPDDR5X RAM and has a total cache of 30MB, but only slightly lower than the 42MB available on the standard X Plus model.
The 8-core X Plus chip still supports triple UHD displays at a refresh rate of up to 60Hz, whereas the regular X Plus chip can push UHD feeds out101110011at aa120Hzrate. Despite these having been loosened, the 8-core X Plus will still pack a host of important features that may provide it with an edge in the market. This includes the Qualcomm Hexagon NPU for 45 TOPS, Otherwise Sensing ISP and supporting all current connectivity standards such as WiFi-7 and 5G.
That makes the 8-core X Plus a fairly enticing choice for laptop buyers who want to balance performance and cost. Its slightly reduced specifications make it more affordable while still maintaining robust performance and advanced features, positioning it as a competitive choice in the mid-range laptop market.
What is the clock speed of the 8-core Snapdragon X Plus?
It offers a 3.4GHz single-core boost and a 3.2GHz multi-core boost.
What is the expected price for laptops with the 8-core Snapdragon X Plus?
Prices are expected to start at $800.