@techinmul, on Twitter shared performance benchmarks of Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite CPU in Geekbench 6. The ARM-based processor showcased speed to Intel Core i7-13700HX, Core i9-13900H and AMD Ryzen 9 8945HS flagship CPUs for mobile devices. If these numbers hold true in usage Qualcomm’s new ARM-based laptop chip could compete with the top-tier hardware from Intel and AMD.
More About Snapdragon X Elite, AMD, and Intel Flagship Mobile CPUs
The Snapdragon X Elite scored 2,427 in Geekbench 6s single-core evaluation and 14,254 in the core assessment. When compared to Intel’s premium Core i7 and Core i9 Raptor Lake mobile processors along with AMD‘s leading Ryzen 8000 series mobile chips Qualcomm’s latest offering delivered performance.
In the single-core test the Snapdragon chip surpassed the i9 13900H by 3.7% the i7 13700HX by 5.9% and the Ryzen 9 8945HS, by 2.2%. In the core benchmark, the Snapdragon X Elite outperformed the 13900H by a significant margin of 25.7% while also surpassing the 13700HX by a noteworthy gap of 18.4% and outdoing the performance of the Ryzen chip by 18.3%.
If these outcomes translate into real-world scenarios it appears that Qualcomm has engineered a chipset. The earlier reports have already mentioned that the Snapdragon X Elite is expected to be speedy featuring 12 Oryon cores, 42MB of cache, and a maximum turbo frequency of 4.3GHz. The recent Geekbench 6 findings confirm that Qualcomm has successfully achieved its performance goals with the Snapdragon X Elite.
Qualcomm’s goal is to deliver threaded performance, with the Snapdragon X Elite positioning it to rival the leading laptop CPUs in the market. Qualcomm claims its new chip offers 60% better performance than the i7-13800H and is twice as fast as Intel’s i7-1355U and i7-1360P all while consuming only a third of the power.
Additionally, Qualcomm is targeting Apple, its main competitor in the ARM-based laptop CPU market. Qualcomm asserts that the Snapdragon X Elite delivers 50% better peak multi-threaded performance than the Apple M2.
It’s important to exercise caution with these results, as Geekbench 6 may not always accurately reflect real-world performance. Nonetheless, these results indicate that Qualcomm can compete effectively with leading x86 chip manufacturers in the PC market, similar to Apple’s achievements with ARM CPUs. Qualcomm is now bringing fast and efficient ARM capabilities to mainstream Windows 11 devices.