Qualcomm is expected to enhance its Oryon cores when it unveils the Snapdragon 8 Gen 5 next year. A next-gen manufacturing process will assist the chipset in reaching higher clock speeds without consuming more power. Hot on the trails of that, a tweet emerged supposedly detailing the clock speeds of the SoC, alluding to an unchanged setup for the CPU cluster similar to Snapdragon 8 Gen 4.
Rumors About the Snapdragon 8 Gen 5
So far, the fastest Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 results came from the OnePlus 13 which showed single-core and multi-core scores on Geekbench 6, which registers performance cores working at up to 4.32GHz and efficiency cores at no less than fast clips of 3.53GHz. If qualitative changes are to be achieved on single-core and multi-core performance at the same time, even chipset manufacturers such as Qualcomm must significantly increase clock speeds aside from architectural changes.
According to @reikaNVMe on X, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 5 will retain the ‘2 + 6’ CPU cluster found in its predecessor but will feature a substantial upgrade. The rumor suggests that performance cores will run at 5.00GHz, while efficiency cores will reach 4.00GHz. This information comes from the leaker Revengus who up until recently shared a variety of rumors, leaks, and reports but abruptly left X after some of his activities were scrutinized.
TSMC previously revealed that its third-gen 3nm node, also called ‘N3P,’ could be used for both the M5 and an unannounced chip. That alongside the Snapdragon 8 Gen 5 configuration being something tested should strongly hint where this chip will come from. However, there are also rumors that Qualcomm is in talks with Samsung to use the Korean company’s 2nm GAA technology, labeled as SF2. Chipmaker has failed to win Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 orders due to yield challenges but is demonstrating a strong commitment to dual-sourcing in an effort to cut chip manufacturing costs.
Earlier reports on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 5 suggested that it would feature new ‘Pegasus’ cores while keeping the same CPU cluster as the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, along with a new ‘Slice’ GPU architecture. At that time, we advised caution regarding the credibility of such information, and we recommend maintaining skepticism until more concrete details emerge.
What are the expected clock speeds for the Snapdragon 8 Gen 5?
The performance cores are rumored to run at 5.00GHz, while the efficiency cores may reach 4.00GHz.
Will the Snapdragon 8 Gen 5 use the same CPU configuration as its predecessor?
Yes, it is expected to maintain the same ‘2 + 6’ CPU cluster as the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4.