The updated Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chip, which has better CPU and GPU performance. In benchmark tests, the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is outperformed by Apple’s iPhone 14 Pro versions from a year ago. The single-core and multi-core performance of Apple‘s newest A16 Bionic CPU is unmatched. As a result of containing the fastest mobile chip on the market, the iPhone 14 Pro variants are speedier than any other smartphones now on the market. The Galaxy S23 Ultra performs 21.02 percent slower in single-core benchmarks than the iPhone 14 Pro, according to Geekbench results. In comparison to the iPhone 14 Pro’s 1874 single-core performance score, the S23 Ultra scored 1480.
Benchmark results show that the Galaxy S23 Ultra performs 14.86 percent worse than Apple’s iPhone 14 Pro in multi-core performance. The iPhone 14 Pro scored 5384, while the Galaxy S23 Ultra scored 4584. Especially when compared to Android devices, Samsung’s most recent flagship is still quite quick in comparison to the competition. The Galaxy S23 Ultra is thoroughly compared against both its predecessor and the various iPhone generations in the photographs below.
Recent reports claim that in the 3DMark Wild Life Extreme Test, the Galaxy S23 Ultra did better than the iPhone 14 Pro. When it comes to graphics performance, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 CPU is pretty capable. The gap between Apple and its competitors is only growing, but the corporation is also getting ready to introduce its next A17 Bionic chip alongside the iPhone 15 Pro models later this year. The A16 Bionic chip is anticipated to be used in the base models, which would still outperform the opposition in terms of speed.
The iPhone 15 Pro versions will have improved computational and graphics performance while using fewer power thanks to Apple’s A17 Bionic CPU, which is anticipated to be built on TSMC’s 3nm design. Remember that performance in the actual world varies from statistics on paper and that these are simply preliminary benchmarks. As soon as further information becomes available, we will provide more insights on real-world performance comparison testing.