The Aonic 50 headphones that were revealed at CES 2020, Shure just declared about the more affordable noise-cancelling option today. This time Shure chose Aonic 40, the company is offering such similar design like the premium model, and also managing such adjustable active noise cancellation and also such onboard controls with little more battery life than the previous 2020 version.
It is true that the Aonic 40 will launch at $150 less than its just two-year elder sibling but the new model does not make any less than the previous model. Shure gives reveals the combination of aluminum and nylon and also revising such silver and black or silver and white or tan color schemes belonging to the Aonic 50.
It seems that the earcups on to the 40 rotate flat and also has such fold inward for the easy shortage, and also making of them with such decent option to travel.
Shure also says that we can expect its “iconic sound” alongside e with the fully customizable EQ through the ShurePlus Play app on Android and iOS. It seems that this software will permit you for saving any of the created settings for future access. The applications also allow the choice in between three ANC options like the tweak the Environment Mode. Shure also confirms that the software has been manufactured with the hi-res music player that still working with the Aonic 40.
It is the typical case with the headphones nowadays, Shure is hyping the quality of the call for this thanks should be given to dual beamforming microphones.
It has such onboard controls that will permit you to answer easily with such additional volume adjustments and also with such access to both ANC and ambient sound options. The company reveals that you can be get up to 25 hours of battery life with such active noise cancellation up from 20 hours on the Aonic 50. It also has a quick charge option that can offer five hours of use in 15 minutes.
This Aonic 40 is now available in black and white colors for $249.
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