Apple has unveiled its newest pint-sized powerhouse, the iPad Mini 7, after a three-year break. The new one still looks the same and has the same body as its predecessor but it gets several upgrades under the hood that should substantially improve performance.
If you find yourself asking whether the new iPad Mini 7 is worth it, then here are a few stark comparative numbers that could help make up your mind about whether the iPad Mini 7 is worth buying or not.
Is iPad Mini 7 Worth Buying in India in 2024?
The new A17 Pro chip used in the iPad mini 7 is also a big step up from what was fitted to its precursor, way ahead of last year’s A15 Bionic. With this new chip, the iPad Mini 7 will feature improved CPU performance faster graphics, and powerful AI capabilities which makes it a perfect device for gaming, video editing, and multitasking. The device also ships with 8GB of RAM which will offer a smoother experience and better performance for apps that require more resources. The available storage has also been upgraded, with the Mini 7 providing up to 512GB of memory options for those who need more room for apps, media, and other files.
The design and the display, however, more or less remain the same. The iPad Mini 7 features the 8.3-inch Liquid Retina display at a refresh rate of just 60Hz, leaving something to be desired for those hoping with ProMotion or OLED technology here instead. Battery life stays the same as before, with up to 10 hours of Web browsing or video playback on Wi-Fi.
More casual users or those who are primarily using their iPad for browsing, media consumption, and light productivity may still find the now even less expensive brand-new iPad Mini 6 provides more performance than needed. But if you are a geek who needs advanced technology, then the iPad Mini 7 is the way forward with its upcoming A17 Pro chip and better AI capabilities.
Ultimately, the decision to buy the iPad Mini 7 depends on whether you need its enhanced performance and features. While it is a premium feature for those who want the most forward-compatible performance possible, many users will likely get similar value from their iPad Mini 6.
What are the main upgrades in the iPad Mini 7 compared to the iPad Mini 6?
The iPad Mini 7 features the new A17 Pro chip, improved CPU and graphics performance, 8GB of RAM, and storage options up to 512GB, enhancing multitasking and gaming capabilities.
Is the iPad Mini 7 worth buying for casual users?
Casual users might find the iPad Mini 6 sufficient for browsing and media consumption, while the Mini 7 is better suited for those seeking advanced performance and features.