Ranbir Kapoor breaks the silence about his upcoming film Shamshera. On Friday morning the producers revealed the first glimpse of the film. The date announcement teaser is one minute long. The first look of the film September 2021. It seems that the poster features Ranbir’s look from the movie. It has been set to release in March 2022 and later just postponed due to the pandemic.
Shamshera: Teaser Details
The exciting monochromatic teaser shows the three actors who are sitting at the center of a dimly-lit space that has been filled with weapons. Sanjay Dutt also says in Hindi,
“The story is of the one who said slavery of anyone is not good, neither of others nor of the people close to us.” It seems that Vaani Kapoor also continues, “This story is of the one who earned a dream about freedom in his father’s legacy.”
After that, a short glimpse of Ranbir Kapoor says, “But nobody gives you freedom. You have to win it. Karam se dakeit, Dharam se Azad Shamshera (In name a dacoit, in reality free)!” there has no such official confirmation about the plot. The latest reports claim that it is a new take on the dacoits of pre-independence India, something that the teaser seems to support.
In this film, we will go to see Ranbir Kapoor in a completely different look. As always Vaani Kapoor will give such a stunning performance. The actress is looking very gorgeous. Our beloved Sanjay Dutt is expected to be seen playing such a crucial role in the film.
There are three stars on YouTube and social media as the makers declared, “ A legend will rise on 22nd July! @yrf’s much-awaited big-ticket spectacle #Shamshera starring superstar #RanbirKapoor @Vaaniofficial @duttsanjay is set to release at a theatre near you in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.”
Vaani Kapoor also declared the same and wrote, “The adventure is about to start. Excited to be a part of this journey! Celebrate #Shamshera with #YRF50 only at a big screen near you on 22nd July. Its release in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. Check out the link in bio #RanbirKapoor @duttsanjay
Shamshera: Expectations
In October 2019, Ranbir had also been spotted in his look from the movie in such leaked images from the sets. It seems that Ranbir also was seen to wear a khadi vest and white dhoti or pyjamas along with the scars covered around his forehead. He has made a heavy beard that has been flaunting his biceps with the picture that also shown to be standing with the gathering of t village people with such normal attire.
Shamshera: Cast
This film has been directed by Karan Malhotra. It has been described as a period action drama movie. It also will apparently reveal Ranbir who is playing the double role like both the titular character and his son. It seems that the movie Ashutosh Rana, Saurabh Shukla, and Ronit Roy.
In an interview with PTI, Malhotra said, “ Shamshera s not a story of a ‘daaku,’ but a film based in the 2800s, it is about a dacoit tribe who are fighting for their right and independence from the British. There was a great story of heroism, a story rooted in our country which actually happened back then.”
Shamshera: Release Date
Ranbir Kapoor finally coming to the theatres with Shamshera that has s set to release on 22nd July 2022. It is expected that it will be a blockbuster film.
Here is the Date Announcement teaser:
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