Shah Rukh Khan’s action-packed thriller, Jawan, has finally arrived in theatres, triggering excitement among his fans. Directed by Atlee, the movie boasts an ensemble cast including Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, Yogi Babu, Sunil Grover, Simarjeet Singh Nagra, Azzy Bagria, Manahar Kumar, and features an extended cameo by Deepika Padukone.
All You Need to Know about Jawan
In the Jawan trailer, SRK promised an adrenaline-pumping cinematic experience, hinting at his portrayal of a soldier turned vigilante. The story revolves around Shah Rukh leading a group of six women who seize control of a Mumbai metro train. Nayanthara appears as a police officer and Shah Rukh’s love interest, while Vijay Sethupathi assumes various roles, including that of the “fourth largest arms dealer in the world.”
The outstanding advance ticket sales figures show the excitement around Jawan’s release. The movie has already sold nearly 400,000 tickets across in India, with a total of 966,713 tickets bought by eager moviegoers, generating ₹26.45 crores in revenue.
Trade analyst Girish Johar preÂdicts that the upcoming SRK film will have a box office opeÂning of ₹100 crores, with around ₹40 crores coming from the global markeÂt and the remaining ₹60 crores from India. It’s worth meÂntioning that approximately 30 single-screeÂn cinemas in the Hindi belt, which had shut down during the pandemic, have reopeÂned due to the treÂmendous excitemeÂnt surrounding Jawan.
Before the film was released, Shah Rukh took to Twitter for an ‘AskSRK’ session. During this interaction, he expressed his sinceÂre gratitude to his fans for their unwaveÂring support and for buying tickets for Jawan. He also expressed optimism that the Hindi audience would welcome and admire Nayanthara, a promineÂnt figure in the South Indian film industry, and show her loveÂ.
Presented by Red Chillies Entertainment, Jawan is produced by Gauri Khan and co-produced by Gaurav Verma, promising an action-packed cinematic experience for audiences to enjoy.