Sennheiser has launched the HD 450SE Wireless Headphones in India at a price of 14,990 INR. The new wireless headphones from Sennheiser offer active noise cancellation and it has built-in Amazon Alexa Voice Assistant support. The battery of the Sennheiser HD 450SE offers up to 30 hours of playback time on a single charge.
Siri and Google Assistant are also supported in the HD 450SE Wireless Headphones. The HD 450SE is a lot similar to the HD 450BT wireless headphones in terms of specs, the latter was released in 202 with some good features and was pretty well-balanced.
The wireless headphones have intuitive music control buttons at the touch of one’s fingertips, it comes with 32mm transducers, dual beamforming MEMS microphone, a frequency response range all the way up to 22kHz, and to top it all off, an ergonomically effective design with comfortable and foldable ear cups.
In terms of connectivity, the Sennheiser HD 450SE wireless headphones have Bluetooth 5.0 while the battery can be charged via the USB Type-C port. There is a dedicated voice assistant button while app support is available through the Sennheiser Smart Control app that is available on the respective app stores for Android and iOS devices.
With this app, users can customize several features to suit the mood.
The Sennheiser HD 450SE will be available in India from the 16th of January exclusively through Amazon India. Sennheiser hopes to take advantage of the Amazon Republic Day Sale 2022 and increase its sales of the headphones.
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