The teaser of Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi’s film Selfiee has been released. Akshay Kumar has declared on Wednesday on his social media platforms and also shared a few selfies and announce their latest project, Selfiee together. Primarily the teasing of his fans and followers Akshay also revealed a solo selfie followed by the one with Emraan Hashmi. Akshay and Emraan have been seen riding their bikes with such sceneries with the mountain background.
Akshay also wrote, “ Found myself the perfect #Selfiee partner! Hey @karanjohar, have we slayed this selfies game or what? @therealemraan.”
Emraan shared the same picture on his Instagram handle and wrote, “Joining the #Selfiee club with @akshaykumar!.”
Karan Johar also shared the teaser of Selfiee containing the duo Akshay and Emraan dancing together, and wrote,” Presenting #Selfiee starring two absolutely smashing actors- Akshay Kumar & Emraan Hashmi and also directed by Raj Mehta. Hop into the frame and pose because the shooting starts soon!.”
Selfiee is mainly the Hindi remake of the 2019 Malayalam film Driving License, directed by Lal Jr, that featured Prithviraj Sukumaran and Suraj Venjaramoodu. Selfiee will be backed by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions and helmed by Jugg Jugg jeeyo director Raj Mehta.
It seems that Prithviraj Sukumaran and Magic Frames have been making their Hindi cinema debut with the stormy Cape of Good Films that will co-produce Selfiee. The film is also set to hit the cinemas in 2023.
On the work front, Akshay was also seen last time in Aanand L Rai’s Atrangi Re with Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush. He just has a host with the projects in the pipeline containing Bachchan Pandey, Ram Setu, and Raksha Bandhan. He also has been shared the trailer of the upcoming film, Prithviraj.
Last time Emraan was seen in Chehre with Amitabh Bachchan.
A big thanks for the source.
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