The current semiconductor industry is suffering from a shortage of components which has led to the slow manufacture of silicon-based products and has delayed shipments. According to recent reports, it’s official that in terms of revenue Samsung Electronics has reclaimed the number one semiconductor manufacturer spot in Q2 2021.
The South Korean company managed to achieve a massive 19 per cent increase in overall IC sales compared to its Q1 2021 performance and this brings the total of whopping $20.29 billion in the April-June period alone. Breaking down that amount we have $19.26 billion from integrated circuit (IC) sales, and the remaining $1.03 billion from the optoelectronic, sensor, and discrete (OSD) sales.
Speaking of leaders, we have the former king of silicon valley, Intel, which achieved a smaller three per cent QoQ (Quarter-over-Quarter) increase and managed to achieve $19.3 billion in chip sales. AMD, on the other hand, is stated to have a competitive CPU portfolio compared to Intel, however only ended to bring out $3.85 billion in chip sales which is extremely low.
Coming back to the champ, it’s reported that Samsung managed to achieve the top spot mainly due to ascending ASP (Average Sale Price) of NAND and DRAM, and DRAM gave Samsung a huge advantage over Intel, as a team blue doesn’t produce RAM.
The South Korean tech giant originally had the top manufacturer spot back in Q3 2018 and it was again due to strong NAND and DRAM sales results. However, intel may not reign supreme as the once hailed king of the silicon valley, but the chip manufacturer is still the de-facto king of the hill of semiconductor-bound companies and its top semiconductor manufacturing capabilities remains unchallenged for 23 years, from 1993 to 2016. And Intel is undoubtedly untouchable in the logic production business.
Coming to other players who managed to output amazing performance in the Q2 of 2021, we have TSMC that achieved the third spot with revenue of $13.31 billion, and finally, Sk Hynix managed to take the fourth spot with the highest increase in QoQ revenue which is 21 per cent quarter-on-quarter, the highest among the top 10 vendors, to $9.21 billion.