Samsung launched the T7 Shield last week, its most durable and portable SSD. The company has now launched yet another durability-centered product known as the Samsung PRO Endurance microSD card. The latest card is designed to be used in devices such as CCTV cameras and doorbell cameras that need continuous capture and playback.
Security cameras are constantly recording and writing data onto the card. Regular memory cards cannot withstand this process for a long period, which is why they have to be replaced once every couple of years. However, with the Samsung PRO Endurance, the microSD card can exclusively meet the demand for continuous video recording.
Samsung has also claimed that its latest memory card has the ability to last up to 16 years, which is nearly 140,000 hours of continuous recording time. In comparison to the previous speed-focused cards, the PRO Endurance Series memory cards have the ability to last up to 33x longer, saving recurrent replacement costs and providing better reliability for continuous video recording.
Samsung PRO Endurance microSD specifications:
The new microSD card is designed to provide stable performance even when subjected to the most extreme of scenarios. The card arrives with Samsung’s improved ‘six-proof durability’ that makes it wear out and drop-proof and resistant to water, magnets, X-rays, and extreme temperatures.
The card measures 15 x 11 x 1mm and it weighs 0.25g. It has a write speed of up to 40MBPS and a read speed of up to 100MBPS. The operating temperature of the card varies from -25-degrees celsius to 85-degrees celsius.
The new Pro Endurance microSD card has a Class 10 rating, along with UHS-III and V30 classifications for video speeds. The card is also capable of handling Full HD and 4K video recordings as well. Samsung Pro Endurance microSD cards arrive in 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB variants.
The 32GB version costs $10.99 or 838 INR, the 64GB costs $14.99 or 1,143 INR, the 128GB version costs $27.99 or 2,135 INR, and the 256GB version costs $54.99 or 4,194 INR respectively. You can buy it via Amazon.
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