As per Jon Prosser, Samsung is all set to announce its Galaxy S21 series on January 14, 2021. From that tweet of Jon Prosser we came to know that at this announcement event of 14th January, Samsung will launch three smartphones of the S21 series: the Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21 Plus, and Galaxy S21 Ultra. From that particular date, all three smartphones will be up for pre-orders and will begin shipping before the start of February 2021. In terms of its predecessor, the Galaxy S20 series was announced on February 11, 2020, and get launched on March 6. The Samsung Galaxy S20 series came in six different color options: Black, Gery, Silver, Pink, Violet, White. But it is not quite sure whether the S21 will also come in the same six color variants.
Another highlight is that Samsung will provide the AKG-branded earbuds in the box of the Galaxy S21 series. So, it seems that Samsung is looking to replace its older wired AKG earbuds with its own wireless ones. These earbuds may be the Galaxy buds. This is the successor of the Galaxy Buds Plus, certified with the EUIPO. As per the pricing of the earbuds, the Galaxy Buds Plus has an original price tag of US$149.99. So, if Samsung gives the new totally wireless Galaxy Buds with the S21 series smartphones, then it is such an expensive move for the company. Because what we have recently seen in the case of Apple, that company has removed not only the earbuds but also the charging adapters for the loss the company had faced. So, let’s see if Samsung can stick with its decision.