Samsung’s rugged mid-range series debuted in India with the Galaxy XCover 7 in February this year. The brand is now said to be working on the successor of the Galaxy XCover 6 Pro which launched globally in 2022, but it did not make its way to India. It will be the next addition to the XCover portfolio. Now, the next-gen Galaxy XCover 8 Pro has executed a battery itemizing in the database of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification site, spilling clues about its feasible dispatch in India soon. For context, the global unveiling of the XCover 7 was followed by its launch in India.
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Samsung Galaxy XCover 8 Pro Battery Spotted on BIS, India Launch Soon
Now, the Samsung Galaxy XCover 8 Pro smartphone has recently received its third BIS certification and today a battery for it has also been spotted on the site under model number EB-BG766GBY. No other specifications of the device are mentioned in the listing. The model number corresponds with earlier reports that Samsung is working on a new XCover device and the naming scheme also matches previous devices like the XCover 6 Pro (SM-G736B) and XCover 7 (SM-G556B).
The XCover 8 Pro will likely offer some improvements on the XCover 6 Pro. The new model is expected to be just as rugged and built to military standards. Though we don’t know the exact specs right now we’re expecting improvements in several key areas including display, processor, and battery.
The XCover 6 Pro, for comparison, boasts a 6.6-inch FHD+ display with a 120Hz refresh rate, Gorilla Glass Victus+, and high touch sensitivity. It is IP68-rated and MIL-STD 810H certified for durability, weighs 235 grams and includes a programmable push-to-talk button. Powered by the Snapdragon 778G chipset with 6GB RAM and 128GB storage, the device supports 15W charging with a 4,050mAh battery. The XCover 6 Pro also features a 50MP primary camera, an 8MP ultra-wide lens, and a 13MP front camera, along with 5G connectivity and Android 12.
When will the Galaxy XCover 8 Pro launch in India?
The launch is expected soon, as its battery was spotted on the BIS site.
What’s new in the Galaxy XCover 8 Pro?
It’s expected to feature upgrades over the XCover 6 Pro, but details are scarce.